Why I Create

Making is a fundamental part of who I am. The process of shaping rough ideas and refining them into a finished project is very fulfilling. Sharing what we create is one of the most rewarding parts of the Maker experience. Connecting with others and that feeling of community is what makes the creative experience so rewarding for me. Sharing is crucial. Spread the love, share ideas, materials, tools, and workspaces. Give back to your fellow creatives and watch them go. We all need support to get our crazy ideas out of our heads and out into the real world. We owe it to ourselves, our mentors, and the next generation of Makers, to give back and help spread the joy of Making.

This page is dedicated to the Makers, builders, do-it-yourselfers, artists, crafters, shapers, collaborators, and the tireless tinkerers.


Aurora Health Care